goFred Labs is your window into IT changes and developments. Tap into recent successes.
GoFred Labs is an attitude of collaboration in the ICT sector within the City of Fredericton. GoFred partners with various private sector and University research projects for product development, testing and market testing. This partnership allows for unique access to a production ISP network to test real world scenarios in product development. Some recent examples include; Hotspot Parking, Q1Labs, Ara Labs and the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Computer Science.
Ara Labs si a security startup located in the National Research Council Building in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The company was co-founded by four PhDs in Network Security.
In 2013 goFred was approached by Ara Labs to provide them with commercial internet. A unique partnership was developed between the two companies. In exchange for tree internet services Ara Labs offered e-Novations and it’s customers the benefits of their Botnet Detection Technology.
Ara Labs is a security startup located in the National Research Council Building in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The company was co-founded by four PhDs in Network Security.
In 2013 goFred was approached by Ara Labs to provide them with commercial internet. A unique partnership was developed between the two companies. In exchange for free internet services Ara Labs offered e-Novations and it's customers the benefits of their Botnet Detection Technology.
goFred Labs has real life data to show progress.
Allow us to expand your mind.
goFred is playing a significant role in IT development in the Fredericton community and beyond. We are strong supporters of information security and are doing what we can to further the protection of our local businesses.